Helping Hands For Japan in the Press

Japan Times May 24th
Travel firms feel pinch, pitch in after disasters
OXFORD, England — Every spring, as the wave of blossoms sweeps up the archipelago from south to north, washing up from the coasts into the higher altitudes, travelers flood into Japan. Rivaled only by the cool autumn months that redden maple leaves across the country, March and April are high season for tourism in Japan.
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Oxford Mail May 9th
Tasty treats help Japanese quake victims
A JAPANESE hospital worker held a cake sale to help children affected by the earthquake in his home country.
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Oxford Mail April 11th
Drumming up support in Woodstock to help Japan tsunami victims
A FUNDRAISING appeal has collected more than £7,000 for survivors of the Japanese tsunami.
An estimated 1,000 people headed to Marlborough School, in Woodstock, this weekend for a two-day celebration of Japanese culture.
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Oxford Times March 28th
QUAKE AID: 1,000 at event to help Japan
MORE than 1,000 people gathered at Oxford Town Hall to offer a helping hand to victims of the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis.
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