Here are some links to other fundraising events and organisations

On Saturday 4th June there will be a Piano & String Chamber Concert to raise funds for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami. The concert will be held at Summertown United Reformed Church and admission is free. In addition to the concert, there will be sushi and other Japanese food, a bake sale, calligraphy and origami workshops and other events. Further information available HERE

On Sunday 29th May on Ealing Common in London, Creative Campus will attempt to break a Guinness World Record to produce the largest painting made by footprints, whilst raising funds for the Japan Society Tohoku Earthquake Relief Fund.
Click the link for further information or download the flyer HERE

The Tokyo String Quartet perform a Japan Benefit Concert on June 1st at The University Church Of St Mary The Virgin, Oxford.
Download the flyer HERE

Hanami (Cherry Blossom) Party arranged by the Japanese Shop in Harrogate on May 2nd

Jesse Green, a graphic designer living in Tokyo has designed a tote bag with all proceeds going to Second Harvest Japan, a food relief charity helping to provide much needed resources to displaced people in evacuation centres.
Information on buying the bag is HERE