We are very happy to receive donations.
It is our basic principle that 100% of all donations will be passed on to local organisations managing long term assistance projects in the affected areas, and this will be as direct and as quick as is possible in each situation.
On the projects page you will see the projects we have identified for support. These projects will be updated with feedback as they develop. You can also choose to allocate your donation to a specific project using the gift aid form below.
The quickest and easiest method to donate is via bank transfer to our account:
Lloyds Bank
Sort code : 77-23-09
Account name : Helping Hands For Japan
Account number : 81927562
Donations may also be made by cheque (made out to “Helping Hands for Japan”) and sent to our address below. If you are happy to gift aid your donation please also complete the form below;
Please note these details will not be used for any purpose other than
reclaiming tax under the gift aid scheme.
Helping Hands for Japan
Wesley House
7 High Street
Oxford OX5 2DH